Have you already discovered our PVC Partner app?

Since October 2012, all important publications produced by AGPU, for example the latest issues of the magazine „STARKE SEITEN“ and „BLITZ-INFO“ and the most important brochures published by the PVC experts in Bonn, have also been available in the PVC Partner app. According to a recent evaluation of use of the app, around 13,000 readers currently make the most of this digital service.

At the beginning of March, the spring issue of STARKE SEITEN together with the BLITZ-INFO will be available to download from the app. The print versions of these publications will also be sent out to target groups relevant to the PVC industry like local authorities and deciders in the building industry. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to find out more about our app or our publications.

The app supports both the iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) operating systems and can be downloaded from their respective app stores.

Apple App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/pvc-partner-kommunikation/id588969815

Google App Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pressmatrix.pvc