
Zu den wichtigen Kommunikationskanälen gehört auch das PVC-Bulletin. Der Newsletter erscheint monatlich in englischer Sprache und informiert rund 2.500 Mitarbeiter der europäischen PVC-Industrie per E-Mail über aktuelle Themen sowie Angebote von VinylPlus Deutschland.

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New AGPU Activity Report for 2015/2016 Is Now Available

In perfect timing with the General Meeting and round-table event in Bonn, the new AGPU Activity Report 2015/2016 has been published. The report, which is available in German and English, contains information about of the work carried out by the PVC experts and the hot topics of the past year. You can receive the Activity Report […]

Press Release: Change in the AGPU Board

Two weeks ago, the AGPU sent out a press release on the occasion of this year’s General Meeting.  Alongside a statement from board Chairman Dr. Axel Bruder (RENOLIT), the press release also informs about a successful transition in the AGPU board, among other topics. In January 2016, Dr. Zdenek Hruska left the AGPU board and […]