
Zu den wichtigen Kommunikationskanälen gehört auch das PVC-Bulletin. Der Newsletter erscheint monatlich in englischer Sprache und informiert rund 2.500 Mitarbeiter der europäischen PVC-Industrie per E-Mail über aktuelle Themen sowie Angebote von VinylPlus Deutschland.

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German government must lead the way in the EU renovation wave

A few weeks ago, 48 associations, including the AGPU, appealed in an open letter to the German government to support the implementation of the EU Commission’s Renovation Wave Strategy during the German EU Council Presidency and to make use of European investment support for energy-related building renovation in Germany. Even though demand for energy-efficient renovation […]

BPIE paper on the Renovation Wave Strategy

In mid-October the EU Commission presented the „Renovation Wave Strategy“, a comprehensive action plan to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The aim is to double the rate of renovation by 2030 and thus achieve better energy and resource efficiency in existing buildings. In order to achieve this goal, around 35 million buildings across Europe […]

European PVC industry: New 2030 sustainability programme

VinylPlus®, the Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry, brought together over 180 participants from 24 countries at the virtual VinylPlus Sustainability Forum (VSF) #CIRCULARVINYL in mid-October. The successful event showcased the united PVC industry’s major achievements and plans to build the new sustainability programme towards 2030. Kirsi Ekroth-Manssila, Head of Unit […]