A New Fact Sheet: Öko-Test Examines PVC Flooring

As expected, the current May issue of the German „Öko-Test“ magazine features a test report on PVC flooring. The content of the report unfortunately came as no surprise and is yet again dominated by the editorial team’s attempts to stir up panic among its readers. A total of twelve different types of PVC flooring available from different suppliers and manufacturers were examined in the test laboratory, two of which were classified as „satisfactory“ and two of which received the mark of „sufficient“. The remaining eight flooring products were given the negative classification of „insufficient“. Öko-Test itself claims that the results of the test only reveal a slight glimpse of hope compared to those of the test conducted in 2012, when all of the products examined were deemed to be insufficient.

In the run-up to the recent test, AGPU prepared for the publication of the results in cooperation with the German Specialist Association for Manufacturers of Flexible Flooring (Fachverband der Hersteller elastischer Bodenbeläge – FEB) and other partners. It created a new fact sheet based on publications such as the AGPU brochures „How hard would life be without soft PVC?“ and „The Most Frequent Misunderstandings about soft PVC“. The fact sheet was released in perfect timing with the publication of the test report and can be downloaded from the FEB website, the AGPU documents are available in printed form or electronically on the AGPU website.